Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Universim: Trainer +6 v0.0.18.7468 {}

Activating this trainer: Press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options: Numpad 1: Mega Supplies Numpad 2: Fast Research Numpad 3: Fast Build Numpad 4: Buildings Do Not Deteriorate Numpad 5: Unlimited Water Supply Numpad 6: Mega Nugget Health Notes: Numpad 1: Mega Supplies - when you can see your supplies, toggle this on to multiply the amount you have. Numpad 2: Fast Research - open the research panel, then toggle this on then start research and it will complete quickly. Numpad 3: Fast Build - start a building then toggle this on and buildings will complete quickly. Numpad 4: Buildings Do Not Deteriorate - once you have structures built that are deteriorating, toggle on to prevent it. Numpad 5: Unlimited Water Supply - once you have a pump getting water from a lake, toggle this on to make the lake have unlimited water. Numpad 6: Mega Nugget Health - toggle on to keep Nuggets health high. Unlock more trainer options including updates from here - The Universim Trainer Short Documentaries

File Size: 757.32 Kb



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